Saturday, November 10, 2012

Kek Pelangi

My first rainbow cake........ buat masa raya haji haritu. Entah sibuk dengan apa bendanya, asyik terlupa nak share resipinya kat sini. Kalau gambar masakan biasa-biasa je harus berkubur gambar ni. Tapi disebabkan resipi kek ni senang sangat nak buatnya. Rasa pun memang best. Kemanisan pun sedang elok je so nak tak nak kena merajinkan diri utk paste resipi kat sini.. boleh kongsi dengan semua dan yang paling utamanya SENANG untuk rujukan sendiri nanti.

Resipi kat bawah "angkut" dari Ribbon And Circus .  Resepi dalam bahse omputih. Makcik malas nak translate. > _ *
The Rainbow Cake 
(based on HUmmingbird Bakery's Vanilla cupcake recipe via here)
2 "8x8" baking pan 
I had to redouble the batter to get that 7 layers-phew~ (sy buat 3 kali ganda resipi then bagi 7)

1 cup all-purpose flour
3/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
pinch salt
3 tbsp butter
1/2 cup milk
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract

Put the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and butter in a mixing bowl and beat on slow speed until everything is combined and you have a crumb mixture with a sandy consistency. Gradually pour in half the milk and beat just until the milk is incorporated.

Whisk together the remaining milk, egg and vanilla. Pour into the flour mixture and beat until all ingredients are just incorporated. Beat for another 30 seconds until batter is smooth. Do not overmix.

Divide batter amongst 2 8x8 baking pans and bake at 325F for about 15 to 20 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out mostly clean. Cool before frosting.

Cream Cheese Frosting  ( double recipe)
250g cream cheese
100g icing sugar
50g butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
In a medium bowl, cream together cream cheese until creamy. Mix in the vanilla, then gradually stir inicing sugar. tore in the refrigerator after use.


  1. cantiknyaa..
    how did u bake the cake? all at once dlm different loyang or masak 1 keluarkan 1? n ur cake level je.. did u trim it? :D mmg cantik la suka sgt

    Dila Rizal

    1. Batter tu i bagi 7 and add different colour. Then i masak 1 keluarkan 1.. after that susun dengan meletakkan cream pada setiap layer... i tak trim pun.. main susun gitu je

  2. cantik dan mengguda... lepas ni boleh lah mencuba...

    1. cubalah kak gee.. senang sgt nak buatnya.. pulak tu sedap sangat

  3. Ya Allah..cantiknyer.. kids musti suke sangat nih, brtambah2 cute bila dihidang dgn pinggan & gelas brbagai kaler tuh.. mnambah ceriakan knk2 yg memang ceria!

    1. kakbesah... kaler2 tu yg menambah serinya.. kalo nak kira deco.. emm hancuss ;p

  4. Kak Yani,

    Baru sempat nak visit.. hihi.. bestkan buat rainbow cake pakai recipe HB cupcake ni..senang sgt and pakai telur skit je.. akak pakai baking pan size apa time saya nak buat 3x jelah..


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